Free CDN

Supercharge your site with our Free CDN

The Free CDN service enhances website performance by providing global edge caching. This service is designed to speed up website loading times, especially beneficial for SEO and mobile user experiences. It includes features such as image optimization, code minification, and lazy loading, aimed at reducing data payload and boosting efficiency. The Free CDN leverages major internet exchange points for reliability and speed. Furthermore, it’s environmentally conscious, reducing data transfer amounts.
Supercharge your site with our Free CDN

Free CDN With These Hosting Packages

StackCP Web Hosting


For Unlimited Websites

A cost-effective plan that’s reliable, fast, and secure — a great hosting option for Unlimited websites

Packages Start From

£1.79 /mo

Get one month free when you choose to pay for a whole year in advance.

StackCP Web Hosting


For WooCommerce Websites

A cost-effective plan that’s reliable, fast, and secure — a great hosting option for WordPress website site.

Packages Start From

£1.79 /mo

Get one month free when you choose to pay for a whole year in advance.

StackCP Web Hosting


For ASP.NET Apps / Websites

A cost-effective plan that’s reliable, fast, and secure — a great hosting option for ASP.Net Websites.

Packages Start From

£1.79 /mo

Get one month free when you choose to pay for a whole year in advance.

Not sure which plan is right for you?

We’re happy to help you find the perfect hosting plan. Get in touch for honest advice without sales tactics or upsells.

Global Free CDN locations

Experience rapid speeds from our international data centres and Free CDN nodes, regardless of your traffic’s origin.

StackCP Global Free CDN locations

All Providers


London, UK
Dublin, Ireland
Paris, France
Frankfurt, Germany
Milan, Italy
Zurich, Switzerland
Stockholm, Sweden
Warsaw, Poland
Hamina, Finland
Madrid, Spain
Saint-Ghislain, Belgium
Eemshaven, Netherlands

North America

North Virginia, USA
Ohio, USA
North California, USA
Iowa, USA
South Carolina, USA
Virginia, USA
Texas, USA
Oregon, USA
California, USA
Utah, USA
Nevada, USA
Dallas TX, USA
Canada (Central)
Montreal, Quebec
Toronto, Ontario

Asia & Oceania

Mumbai, India
Delhi, India
Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific
Ningxia, China
Beijing, China
Taiwan, Asia-Pacific
Seoul, South Korea
Tokyo, Japan
Osaka, Japan
Singapore, Asia-Pacific
Jakarta, Indonesia
Sydney, Australia
Melbourne, Australia

Middle East

Bahrain, Middle East
United Arab Emirates
Tel Aviv, Israel

South America

São Paulo, Brazil
Santiago, Chile


Cape Town, SA